
Poetry and Dreams
First Love
Moon Dreams

A moment of perfection~

I love those moments when I loved and was loved in return. How beautiful they were. It doesn't even matter that they didn't last. I can still capture the essence of all that transpired, still feel the charge of emotion. I still love them all. I still carry them with me. I wish them only the best and brightest things from life. I hope that they still carry part of me in their hearts.

If I Could

A Kiss

How I Long

Shelter You

I Want to Love You


It Seems

Captured Me

How Could I Ever Express

This Trail

What Magic

Your Fingers on My Skin

Your Arms

Treacle Poem #2

What Dreams Are These

Your Kiss

Forever and Always


Carry Me Away


Your Mouth

Your Caress

With All My Heart

Simple Word

Words Alone

I Love You

Schoolgirl Crush


If I Could

If I could make time stand still
I would stop at this moment
When my love for you
Is so rich and so full
When the future holds
Only the brightest and best dreams
I would stop at that moment
When your lips touched mine
So soft and so sweet
When passion was still to come
And it didn't really matter
If I could repeat some moment in time
I would relive this day over and over
When every moment was ours
And every breath for you
When every touch was magic
And every smile sincere
If I could relive my life
I would do it all the same
When every choice led me to you.


How I Long

My fingers long to touch your face
Dry your tears, kiss your lips
How I long for your embrace
Hold you close, ease your fears
Baby I still dream of you
How I long to feel your touch
Eyes on mine, hearts entwined
How I long for your teasing words
Make me blush, steal a kiss
Baby I still cry for you
My heart longs to reach out to you
Pull you in, keep you close
How I long for your sweet kiss
Steal my heart, touch my soul
Baby I still belong to you


I Want to Love You

Oh if I could hold your heart
So close to mine
If I could kiss your lips
Would it be divine
I want to reach out to you
I want to love you
You melt my heart
With just a word
You send electric tingles
Down my spine
When your breath
Caresses my neck
I want to pull you closer
Feel the passion ignite
I want to kiss you tender
I want to love you true
Oh if I could hold you close
Your heart forever mine
If I could feel your kiss
Would it be divine
I want to give you everything
I want to love you
You make my knees weak
With just a glance
You make my breath catch
And my stomach drop
When your fingers
Caress my face
I want to put my arms around you
Feel your heart beat with mine
I want to kiss you endlessly
I'm so in love with you


It Seems

It seems I've wanted you my whole life
With the fiercest desire born in the heart of me
With anticipation aching in my chest
With trembling hands and bated breath
I have wanted you with all my soul
It seems I've waited for you endlessly
With patience born of a gentle soul
With open arms and willing heart
With no regard for the consequence
I have waited without a second thought
It seems I've loved you always
With devotion born in my very dreams
With delight in your unchanging ways
With unconditional acceptance
I have loved you to my limit
It seems I'll want you till I die
The desire hasn't faded all this time
It seems I'll wait till the end of time
The hope just will not fade away
It seems I'll love you forever and always
I wouldn't know any other way


How Can I Ever Express

How can I ever express
How much you mean to me
You're my everything
Isn't nearly strong enough
You fill my heart
Places so long empty
I'd forgotten they were there
How can I ever express
How much you mean to me
All the words in the world
Can't say nearly enough
You break down walls
That I built so long ago
I never thought they'd fall
How can I ever express
How much you mean to me
All the rest of eternity
Isn't nearly long enough
You heal my soul
Pieces so long broken
I don' t remember them whole
How can I ever express
How much you mean to me
All my heart and all my soul
With all the words I know
For all the rest of time
Might not nearly be enough
But I will surely try.


What Magic

What magic is there in your arms
That once they are around me
All my tension fades
My fears vanish
My worries cease
My soul is at peace with you
What magic is there in your hands
That once I feel your touch
All my senses come alive
My hands tremble
My heartbeat doubles
My body responds to you
What magic is there in your soul
That once I am close to you
All my world is right
My dreams expand
My desires ignite
My heart belongs to you
What magic is there in you
That once I fell in love
Everything changed for me
Forever better
Forever sweeter
Forever in your arms
What magic is still to come


Your Arms

You hold me close
You don't let go
You chase the demons
You dry my tears
You lift my spirits
You shelter my soul
You hold me tighter
You sigh so sweet
You relax a moment
You let go of fears
You kiss me tender
You open your heart
You hold me longer
You touch my hair
You whisper softly
You keep me near
You love me truly
You steal my heart
You hold me always
Even when you let go


What Dreams Are These

What dreams are these
That capture my heart
That make me close my eyes
And sigh
What dreams are these
That keep me from work
That make my mind travel
So far way
What dreams are these
Oh I wish I could say
I wish I could catch them
So they'd stay
What dreams are these
Oh I wish they were real
I wish I could stay there
All day
What dreams are these
If you really must know
If you really must hear
The truth
What dreams are these
If you can't wait any longer
If you can't already guess
The answer
What dreams are these
Every one is you


Forever and Always

All day every day
Forever and always
You reach into the heart of me
And set my spirit free
Without a touch
Without a word
Just by being there
Just by being you
You found a space inside of me
And will never leave
Without a promise
Without your presence
Once I fell for you
Once I gave my soul
You are my heart, my love
And my every dream
All day every day
Forever and always


Carry Me Away

Carry me away into the cool night air
Show me sights I've never seen
Warm me with your body heat
Make the rest of the world a dream
I've never seen a moon so lovely
I've never felt arms so strong and sure
Kiss me tenderly, hold me closely
Chase all those demons away
I won't ask you for forever
I know you'll soon be on your way
But show me a world of new fallen snow
And let me forget to care for a while
Carry me away into the cool night air
Show me places I've never been
Wrap your arms around me gently
Let me have this one night with you


Your Mouth

I imagine your mouth on mine
Lips caressing lips
Hands on my face
Body pressed close to me
And I feel your tongue
Slid in and around
Making me dizzy
Making my knees weak
I open my mouth wider
Giving you free reign
Little sounds of aching
And longing fill my ears
Is that you or me?
Passions ignites
I return measure for measure
I taste the uniqueness of you
I imagine your mouth on my neck
Seeking sensitive spots
The pulse point below my ear
Nibbling, tasting, kissing
Making me breathless
Making me tremble
I tilt my head to the side
Giving you better access
Little sounds of pleasure
And desire fill my ears
Is that you or me?
Passion unfolds
I draw you up and away
So that I may taste you too
I imagine your mouth on my breast
Driving me senseless
Too much and not enough
Hot, moist, insistent
Making me hungry
Making me tremble
Making me weak
I pull you closer still
Not wanting this to end
Little sounds fill my ears
Is that you or me?
A moan from me
A groan from you
Passion engulfing
I slide you back up my body
So that I may feel you too


With All My Heart

I love you with all my heart
I give you everything inside
My thoughts, my dreams
My passions, my desire
I give it freely to you
I ask for nothing in return
I know there are others
Who capture your attention
And fill your sweet dreams
I could not steal you from them
But I long to be yours truly
To feel your touch
Know your kiss
I want to know the little things
That drive you wild
I want you to know me
Know things others don't
Share secret fantasies
I want a piece of your heart
To steal away, mine alone
I want you to miss me
When I'm gone from you
I want to know you want me
That my touch affects you
I want you crazy with desire
That no one can extinguish
Save for me
Yet I know I don't own you
Nor do you own me
But I want some magic connection
Between your heart and mine
For I love you dearly
You have this heart of mine


Words Alone

I loved you once
In ageless splendor
Through words alone
You made me tremble
No sight, no sound, no touch
Save for my reaction
To your thoughts
And ever enamored
Shall I be
With your words
To capture me
I would not know your name
Or recognize your face
Younger, older
Shorter, taller
It hardly matters much
You fill my heart
With tenderness
With longing and desire
With words alone
You captured me
And hold me still today
Ageless, timeless
What an amazing thing


Schoolgirl Crush

Brains scrambled
Tongue tied and twisted
You have me feeling
Like a giddy school girl
But maybe that's because
When we were last together
Day by day by day
That's what I truly was
Now here we are
Fully grown
Grown up hearts
And minds and passions
Approaching middle age
And I cannot picture it
You a man and not a boy
And my stomach twists
And ties in knots
And I blush and stammer
I ache to hold you
Touch you, kiss you
And yet I fear that you
See me as just a girl
And not the woman I am
With wry amusement
In my school girl crush
Not knowing, never knowing
How deep and far and true
How grown up and real
The things I feel for you


A Kiss

Your lips caressed mine
Softly, sweetly, lightly
And my heart beat double time
My breath ceased
My eyes danced
Could I have another
And perhaps this time
You'll linger longer
Tease a little more
Forget where you are
And perhaps who
And focus on that feeling
Wanting just a taste
Forgetting all reason
Give in to sensation
And then perhaps
Start all over again


Shelter You

I want to wrap my arms around you
And hold you close to me
Make you feel safe enough
To let those tears flow free
For the pain I know you feel
At the hands of fate
I could offer comforting words
But they do not mean as much
As the simple gesture
Of a warm and friendly touch
I know your heart is aching
And it breaks mine to see
I want to shelter you within
And keep the demons away
But I can't be there with you
Late into the night
When everything else slips away
And you're left alone to fight
I want to wrap you in my arms
And protect you from the pain
I want to whisper to your heart
The sun will rise again
Turn to me when it seems
There's nowhere else to go
I'll welcome you and hold you
Until you are strong enough to fight



I sit here with my hot chocolate
Staring at the window
Not quite seeing through
To the other side
Where roses are in bloom
But seeing instead
Your reflection there
Behind your paper
With your morning coffee
Reading avidly
I smile at your face
So animated and intense
Indignation in your blood
At what you see there
And I flutter inside
Remembering clearly
That energy focused on me
I wonder if you notice
Me watching you this way
Or if you hear my heart
Not that tool inside
That keeps beating away
But the essence of me
That is so tied to you
I stare at the window
And butterflies renew
As I see you stop and pause
Slowly the paper lowers
And your eyes seek mine
And when I meet your gaze
I know the paper will wait
An hour or two
Because your energy
Is once more only mine


Captured Me

You have captured me within your net
It was such an easy thing to do
I heard your words and saw your heart
And found your intentions true
And though I had vowed to stay alone
Believed I was learning from mistakes
With words of aching and compassion
I find my heart caught up in you
And though I cannot see the future
I'll never regret that now I love you


This Trail

Should I give in to temptation
And follow this trail to the end
Over mountains steep
Through valleys wide
Through brush and briar and stream
It will take me quite some time
But at the end of this winding path
I know you wait to welcome me
With open arms and tender kiss
So I press onward still
And though at times in twilight
When the path is not so clear
I falter and I flounder
Thinking temptation to be a sin
Your voice crosses the distance
And reminds me the sun will rise again
And I can once more travel
That path that leads to you


Your Fingers On My Skin

I feel your fingers on my skin
The warmth of your body next to mine
Your breath warm and soft against my ear
Your voice sending shivers down my spine
Your lips caressing my neck
As your hands draw me closer
I cannot help but touch you
Your skin under my fingers
Delighting sensation fills my mind
And desire fills me deep inside
As your lips brush against mine
Will you tease me with a kiss
Or plunder warm moist depths
I feel your fingers on my skin
Too much and not enough
I wonder where this play will lead
Will you tease every inch of me
And leave me wanting even more of you
Or are you savoring sensation
As desire overwhelmed as I
Do you feel my every touch
Tingle with anticipation
Breathless with desire
Do you ache to touch me further
Hold me tighter, kiss me deeper
I feel your fingers on my skin
And have to close my eyes
To contain the desire flooding in
Are you just playing with me
Or lost in the feel of my skin


Treacle Poem #2

I spread treacle on my toast
And regard you across the table
Awaiting Your warm and tender glance
That will nourish me as much
As any meal I happen to eat
I garnish my words with restraint
Not wanting you to think me daft
When I express my love to you
But I am sure you couldn't miss
The way I flourish under your care
As calm and collected as I try to be
I cannot help the blush appearing
A rosy stain across my cheeks
Whenever your eyes linger on me
And I place my toast upon the plate
Pretending my hand did not just tremble
When you whispered my name


Your Kiss

Was it just that it had been so long
Since my lips had felt a kiss
Or was it something uniquely you
All I know is when your hands
Tenderly caressed my face
And your lips brushed my own
My insides turned to liquid
It was a wonder I could stand
When your hand slid down
Across my neck and breast
To settle on my waist
And your other hand
Slid through silken tresses
To hold my head in place
And your tongue slid at last
Inside my warm, wet, waiting mouth
It was a wonder I could think at all
Or perhaps there was no thought
As my body pressed against yours
And my hands slid over you
Soft sounds of longing and desire
Echoing in my ears
From the bottom of my soul
And you losing yourself in me
Holding me so softly
And yet close enough to feel you
To feel how much you desire me
And I move to get closer
To all that delicious hardness
Only to find myself
Pressed up against the door
All sense and reason flown
As your body aches to join
In perfect union with my own
A button here or a zipper there
And skin caresses skin
And kisses turn to moans
And I can only wonder
Was it just that it had been so long
Since my lips had felt a kiss
Or was it something more
A chemical reaction of sorts
That combination of you and me
That sets fire to my senses
And turns a simple kiss
Into a passionate interlude.



You came in like a whirlwind
Dancing about my mind and heart
And before I could draw a breath
I turned to find you deep inside
Lounging about the furniture
Making yourself right at home
And when I'd think to question
You'd silence me with a kiss
And I'd find myself so dizzy
I'd forget you should be outside
And not here completely within
You claim the purest intentions
But when I try to show you the door
You twist and turn so skillfully
I find myself lost in your arms
Thinking - well just for a minute
Then you really must go
But a touch and a kiss later
And I forget why I should object
You came in like a whirlwind
Inside before I even knew
And even if no good can come of it
My heart has welcomed you



Does it matter if we are in public
Or far from prying eyes
You touch me and I ignite
You whisper words into my ear
And I am amazed I can hear
Past the beating of my heart
If you chose to take me here and now
I wouldn't think to object
So lost within your gaze
Melting completely in your arms
Your lips brush mine
And I can scarce contain the moan
Much less stop to check
If we are indeed alone


Your Caress

I feel your touch
Tender and tantalizing
Soft and gentle
Your hand upon my thigh
The barest whisper
The lightest caress
Sliding ever higher
Making my knees weak
Smooth and seductive
As you whisper in my ear
Your fingers under my hem
Pressing your advantage
Slowly, carefully
Over silk clad legs
Making me sigh
Making me tremble
You journey onward
Your lips caressing my neck
Your barely there touch
Capturing me completely
Silk gives way to skin
And you pause
Fingers trembling
Like butterfly wings
And I know
Surely as my body responds
You belong to me
As you moan in my ear


Simple Word

Just a simple word in my ear
A soft and gentle hello
And all my thoughts flee
And my hands tremble
And I can't speak
Around the butterflies
It doesn't matter that we've talked
A hundred times or more
You still possess me completely
With just a simple hello
Heart fluttering within my chest
Blush staining my cheeks
And I forget myself
And I get lost in you
And I am on cloud nine
With just a word from you


I Love You

I wonder if you know that I love you
If I've told you - even once
The way you've touched my life
And made it sweeter
Do you know with any assurance
The place you have in my heart
Have I given you that
Or have I failed to express it
To let you know what you mean
How my life is better for knowing you
And is somehow less without you
I wonder if you understand
How deep that attachment goes
And how strong I've made those bonds
Can you feel it within your heart
That love you'll always have
That comfort that's always yours
Have I ever taken the time
To show you just how true
How deep, how far, how lasting
Those emotions I hold for you
Do you know in any measure
Just how much I love you



For a moment I had
Your lips against my own
Soft and sweet
Your fingers in my hair
Soft and seductive
Your touch on my skin
Soft and sincere
If I close my eyes
I can feel it all still
And I know
That you love me
I can remember
My mouth pressed to yours
Soft and sweet
My fingers in your hair
Soft and seductive
My touch on your skin
Soft and sincere
If I close my eyes
I can feel you still
And I know
That I love you
Softly, sweetly
Seductively, sincerely
We will always love



Laura Lowe
Date Last Modified: 3/13/03
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