
Poetry and Dreams
First Love
Moon Dreams

All things blue~

The things that touch me so deeply. My favorite color... the ocean, the sky, even the sadness. Sometimes it's a song in my heart that plays itself in the quiet moments, sometimes it's the tears that catch me unaware. Always I find blue in my heart, it's part of me.

I Heard Your Voice



Turned to You


Your Words


Close Your Eyes

Phantom Touch

I Wonder


Left Behind


You Have the Power


I Miss You


Amazing and Beautiful


As I Lay

Thinking of You


I Ache Sometimes

Your Voice

I Heard Your Voice

I heard your soft and tender voice
And didn't quite know what to say
Butterflies were playing havoc
With my stomach and my throat
How could I begin to say
All the things on my mind
When I wasn't sure of my name
Or if I knew how to speak at all
And so I didn't get to tell you
All the ways you've touched me
And all the things you do
The way my heart leaps inside
When you say my name
And whisper such sweet words
Instead I blushed and trembled
Not enchanting as I hoped to be
Not clever, witty or articulate
But soft and shy and delicate
And if I find myself so affected
By a voice whispered in my ear
Will my heart be able to take
Your tender touch upon my skin



You slide your hands upon my skin
Stripping away tension and stress
Pressing and gliding and sliding
And I feel myself relaxing
And I feel my cares drifting away
Soon I turn my focus to you
Your breath moving with your touch
Your heat as you draw nearer
The whispered caress of your skin
Your chest, your arms, your face
And a different tension invades
Every nerve ending attuned to you
Your breath near my ear
Makes me ache for the caress
Of your sweet and tender lips
The tickle of your tight nipples
Grazing across my shoulder blades
Makes me long to touch them
Ever so lightly with my fingertips
Or even to taste them with my tongue
And the feel of your hands on me
Makes me want to break this spell
And moan and sigh and beg
Or to turn in your embrace
And feel those same sensations
Over every last inch of me
But I do not speak or move or turn
Not wanting your attention to drift
Feeling desire heating my core
Melting me, turning me liquid
And knowing soon enough
Your tender, soothing ministrations
Will find you deep inside of me



You are a spark
To my drying soul
Setting fire to my senses
Burning me alive
Sweet searing sensation
Bringing me to life
Your air feeding flames
Driving me higher still
Heating me
Consuming me
Sending me places
I'd forgotten I could go
And I wonder
If the embers will cool
Or if you'll tend them
Until they're white hot
Eternal combustion
And if you step too close
Won't you ignite as well?



Simple words
Written on the screen
Whispered in my ear
Little things
That drive me wild
That make me spin
Yet touching me
Yet searing me
Simple words
Across the miles
Through time and space
Affecting me
With trembling hand
Warm, tingling, divine
Yet I try to hold it
Yet I feel it
Simple words
From your pen and paper
Falling softly on me
Subtle thoughts
Turning my knees weak
Touching the heart of me
Yet so very delicious
Yet seducing me


Phantom Touch

Have you always been there
A phantom touch surrounding me
Your arms wrapped around me
Your voice whispered in my ear
Your touch seems so familiar
As if I've known it all along
A tickle across my very soul
That sets fire to my nerve endings
And makes me feel whole
Have you felt me before
Did you know me straight away
Tracing lines as if from memory
Not an initial exploration
But a homecoming of sorts
Have you always been here
Your touch upon my skin
Ethereal yet so very real
You feel so welcome and familiar
As if I've waited much too long
I feel your arms tight around me
And I hold you closer still
Needing you so much nearer
Serene and electric all at once
And I cannot help but think
You and I have always been



I feel your hands caressing me
Your body pressed so close
It's warmth branding me
Every touch claiming me
Skin against skin
Curve against angle
The last barrier discarded
You are so deep inside of me
There are no more words
Only the look in my eyes
As you gaze so deep
All of the doubts
All of the pain
Banished by your lips
Brushing against my own
Touching me, tasting me
Exploring every inch of me
Showing me the things
Words cannot say
Unquenchable desire
Intangible emotion
Our bodies aligned
Feeling you possess me
With gentleness and reverence
With passion and burning fire
And as you complete me
I belong to you
And you belong to me



Is it folly to try and explain
All the joy you bring to me
To put it down in phrase
Is it like holding a dream
So ethereal, so fleeting
Yet so compelling all the same
Would you understand
If I told you I was walking on air
Would you believe me
If I said I closed my eyes
And often felt you there
Am I on a foolish chase
Trying to pin down the words
That would explain it fully
What use is it after all
When so many nonverbal cues
Could make it so very clear
The look in my eyes
The passion in my kiss
The tenderness of my touch
Am I just a fool after all
To want to give you words
When you've given me
So much more



Warm water cascading over me
Pelting me
Beading on my skin
Trickling down my curves
My hair dark and heavy
Hanging to my waist
I turn my face upwards
Washing away tension
Until I feel you
Behind me
Your hands sliding over me
Fingers sliding into my hair
Slippery with soap
Washing my hair
Kneading my scalp
Tension leaving me
Building in you
I feel you against me
Warmth invading me
As your hands slide down
Washing every inch
Caressing every inch
Sliding ever lower
Until tension returns
And I lean back into you
Knowing it will build
And knowing it will break
Hearing your voice
In my ear
As you whisper to me
Soap abandoned
Cleanliness forgotten
Your tension unbearable
Needing to be eased
You fill me
Finding release
In time with me
As the water cascades down



I traced my fingers lightly over your face
I looked so deeply into your eyes
I let those emotions bubble up inside
The fears, the doubt, the hope, the desire
I could feel my voice lodge in my chest
As I traced every line of your face
And I leaned in so slowly, so sweetly
And brushed my lips across your own
Holding your face steady within my palms
As I press my kiss more insistently
Hoping your mouth will open under mine
Hoping to catch your breath
And draw it deep inside of me
As my tongue slides in your warm mouth
Exploring, searching, caressing, retreating
Between kisses building in passion
I whisper on borrowed breath
That I cherish you so completely
I love you to the very depths of my soul
And I have ached for so long to touch you
To kiss you, to show you my heart
I caress your face with trembling fingers
And soft little kisses here and there
Grateful for this little moment
Wanting to memorize every last touch
To burn your presence upon my senses
And breathless, trembling, eager, aching
A thousand caressing, cherished kisses
Turn into one long, lingering kiss
As passion unfolds and touch succumbs
My fingers abandon your precious face
To memorize the rest of you



Be everything to me
Be my breath
Be my strength
Be my soul
Take everything from me
Take my essence
Take my spirit
Take my heart
Give everything to me
Give me light
Give me love
Give me hope


Thinking of You

I wonder if you still think of me
I wonder if I am in your dreams
But I am sure you have moved on
Your life just fine without me
I wonder if you lie awake at night
And ache to feel me one more time
Do you look up to the stars
And wonder where I am just then
Do you hear things and see things
That cut at your heart for missing me
I'd like to think I meant so much
That you can't let go of loving me
But I am sure you have moved on
And you think of me less and less
I am sure my presences was a ripple
Pleasant, appealing but fading
Becoming ever unclear and unformed
Battered by the ripples of other lives
And other loves, and other things
I wonder if you feel my absence
And so often want to turn to me
For comforting, for reassurance,
For sweet love and understanding
But I am sure you have moved on
And hardly feel the loss of me
I wonder if you can't let go
Or if the pain is only mine
Because I am sure you have moved on
And the truth is I'll never know


I Ache Sometimes

I ache sometimes
From loving you
For all the things
We'll never share
And all the things
I'll never hear
I ache sometimes
From missing you
For all the times
I needed your touch
And all the times
I needed your love
I ache sometimes
From loving you
For all the ways
You're still inside
And all the ways
I can't let go
I ache sometimes
From missing you
For all the days
I've been without you
And all the days
Still to come



You whisper through my mind
When I least expect it
I think I have accepted
That all I had were dreams
But then I hear a whisper
Sliding through the dark
I hear it in the rain
Washing my tears away
And I hear it in the breeze
Brushing my hair from my face
Just when I think it's done
And I've accepted what must be
When I think you are gone
And I am just a memory
You whisper through me
An echo in my soul
And I know you live there still


Turned to You

When I was all alone and needing comfort
You were the one I turned to.
Across the miles,
Even though you are so far away,
I reached out to you.
I wrapped myself around you,
And brought you here to me.
Felt your skin against my skin,
Your head resting upon my breast.
I held you close
And let my love for you pour out
I looked at you so tenderly.
And I felt your kiss,
So soft, so loving, so sweet.
A taste that seemed so real to me.
I felt my troubles fading
As you held me close to you.
And as I drifted away I wondered
If so far away, lying in your bed,
You felt me there with you.


Your Words

I could feel your words
Across the miles
Feel the love in them
And they touched me
And they cut me
I had not expected it
Mystified how a word
Could be so very sweet
And yet hurt so deeply
I don't know your heart
But I felt in those words
A shattering of dreams
Hope smashed to pieces
Such a kind word
Such a caring word
But a devastating word
Upon your lips
Lips I long for
Lips that breathed words
That claimed my heart
I hadn't expected
A gesture of affection
Of kindness and love
To break me
To make me bleed
But I cried
When you called me


Close Your Eyes

When the stress of the world
Seems too much to carry
And sadness has ahold of you
Close your eyes and think of this
All you have to do is call my name
And I'll be there, right by your side
I'd go to the ends of the earth
Just to be with you
Endure any trial
Walk through fire
If you asked me to
All you have to do is reach for me
And I'll be there to hold you
When it seems there is no light
And you're ready to give up
Close your eyes and picture me
In a heartbeat I'd be with you
There isn't any distance to great
That I wouldn't cross
Just to be with you
Wait a lifetime
If you asked me to
All you have to do is reach for me
And I'll be there to love you
When everything is going wrong
When everything is going right
And you just need to share
Close your eyes and remember this
All you have to do is say the words
And I'll always come to you
Break a thousand promises
Just to be with you
Open my heart
Give you everything
If you asked me to
All you have to do is reach for me
And I'll be there to claim you


I Wonder

I wonder where you are
And I wonder why I still need you so
And will this ache
To feel your touch
To share your breath
To surround myself in you
Ever be eased
Or will it fade into nothingness
As the years wear on
Will I always recognize your voice
In an instant
And will it move me to tears
To hear you whisper my name
And will I always need you so
No matter where you are
And will I always wonder
Why you aren't here with me
Or will it fade into the past
A forgotten memory
Dredged up on occasion
When the conditions are right
Without all the aching
To possess you once more
I can only wonder


Left Behind

It breaks my heart to think
I was so easy to leave behind
A thousand times a day
I want to turn to you
I ache to feel your love
And hear you whisper in my ear
And watching you walk away
Killed something inside of me
And it hurts me so to think
It was so easy for you to do
And while I sit here floundering
You merrily travel on
Life complete without me in it
Just as it was before I came along
And me here devastated
Empty, aching, and forlorn
Still bleeding after all this time
And it breaks my heart to think
I was so easy to leave behind


You Have the Power

If ever I think
You no longer have the power
To rip my heart from my chest
I have but to just reach for you
And feel you brush me aside
And I am reminded
That you have the power
To crush me still
If I could take my heart back
Perhaps I could ease that ache
And erase that need
To turn to you for comfort
When my world is caving in
But I don't have that power
My heart is ever yours
And so I face the thought
That you'll hurt me again
Because I can't seem to stop
Reaching out to you
And I can't seem to remember
You don't want me to


I Miss You

I miss you
In great rushes
And overwhelming emotion
The time we spent
So short
So fleeting
You would think perhaps
I could let it go
And yet I ache for you
As if it had been a lifetime
And a lifetime it seems
Since I heard your voice
Or felt your touch
I miss you
It slides in
And sweeps over me
Like a desert storm
So fast and furious
And I cannot bear the thought
That the memories
Are all I have
And all I will ever have
I miss you
With as much passion
With as much pain
As when you first said good-bye
And the tears blinded me
Nothing has been the same
Since that day
My life forever changed
An emptiness
Nothing will fill
Nothing, that is, but you


Amazing and Beautiful

Life is amazing and beautiful
Pain and heartache and loss
And still it is perfection
And I'd pay the same price
And suffer the same things
To know that I held you
And that I touched you
To have made a difference
In your life and your heart
To have felt your love
Deeply and honestly and truly
The pain fades into nothingness
In the face of blissful memories
And the sound of your voice
And the caress of your words
It was worth it all
To love and be loved by you
Life brought that to me
A perfect, beautiful moment
An overflowing of senses
A rapture of emotion so intense
I can capture it still
And bask in its glow
Life is amazing and beautiful
Because it let me hold you
And call you mine


As I Lay

In softness gently sleeping
In stillness as I lay
I felt your cool caress
Your lips upon my brow
I struggled to awaken
Wanting only a glimpse of you
But sleep laid heavy upon my eyes
And I could only softly sigh
I felt your whispered words
Tickle against my ear
And how I wanted to respond
Express the words within my heart
But sleep held fast my voice
And I could only softly sigh
I felt your presence fade
With one last lingering caress
And I fought the urge to weep
Wanting you still with me
But sleep dissolved my tears
And I could only softly sigh
In softness gently sleeping
In stillness as I lay



The ever changing hues of the sky
The water stretching off to the horizon
Drifting in and out of reach
The waves a song in my ear
The taste of tears
A thousand shades of blue
I want to drown myself in you
Get swept away in a whirlwind
And find pleasure in the pain
Blue in deep and calming shades
Sliding over my senses
The water a babbling music to my ears
Flashes of color in my world
From the palest robin egg
To the deepest midnight
And everything in between
Including that subtle shade
That lives within my heart
The place that's always you


Your Voice

Your voice tickles soft in my ear
The faint echoes of memories that remain
And I wonder where you are
And if my voice lingers in your mind
Does your heart still warm at the thought of me
Does any of that love remain
My heart fills when I think of you
All those warm moments come flooding back
And I mourn the loss of you once more
My heart aches to hear your voice again
And I wonder if you miss me at all
If any part of me has stayed with you
The way you have stayed with me



Laura Lowe
Date Last Modified: 3/13/03
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