Moon Dreams

Poetry and Dreams
First Love
Moon Dreams

Another world, another life~

Sometimes dreams call to me. Such pretty make believe. And perhaps there is truth in the fairy tales, and perhaps I could sail away and find those things. And perhaps, yes just perhaps, those silvery strands of moonlight are placing me in someone else's dreams as well.



Moon Dreams

Boils Down to You

Would You

Feel You

Sun and Moon

If You Knew

In Dreams

Under the Stars

Your Essence

Just Know

Know You So Well

Winds of Change

The Rocks

I Ache

Moonlight Magic


Special Delivery

Delicate Dreams

With Words

Life Carried You Away




I close my eyes and try to bring you here
The feel of my chair against my back
Becomes replaced with the feel of your body
And I lean back in to your chest
I wrap my arms around myself
And pretend that they are your arms
Holding me close, holding me tight
And I imagine your voice in my ear
Telling me you'll never let me go
I tip my head to the side
Imagining you brushing my hair away
To give you better access
To my overly sensitive neck
And I shiver at the feel of fingers
That aren't really even there
And I bite my lip at the kiss
My neck has never even felt
I close my eyes and try to catch you
I feel your warmth surround me
As I pull my jacket tighter around
And I curse this over active imagination
That can bring me so close to you
And leave me aching for your touch


Moon Dreams

I look up at the moon
So big and bright and beautiful
And all those stars
Glittering and sparkling bright
A soft breeze caresses me
Cool and chill and moist
Is it night where you are love
Do you dream of me
Could I sneak into your bed
And lay my head upon your chest
Feel your heart beat strong and sure
I wish the moon could carry me
Across the miles to you
As sure as she shines on me
I know she has set for you
I send my dreams up to the stars
Do they still shine for you
Or has the sun begun to rise
Melting all my thoughts
Before they fall on you
You are too far my love
And always sure to be
Yet here I stand beneath the stars
Cool wind surrounding me
And I try to cross those miles
In thought, in heart, in dreams
Can you feel me next to you
The feather touch across your lips
A kiss I'm placing there
Are you still in dreams my love
Can I come to you
This moon will soon circle round
And tomorrow shine on you
Perhaps she'll whisper in your ear
And say she saw me standing here
Wishing I was asleep with you


Would You

Would you sail across the sea
And steal my heart away
Would you sweep me off my feet
And steal my breath away
Would you shower me with kisses
And make sweet love to me
Would you profess your love
And make my dreams come true
Would you dance in the moonlight
And hold me till mornings light
Would you kiss me senseless
And hold me till I get my feet again
Would you desire me endlessly
And never let me forget
Would you love me for forever
And never once look back


Sun and Moon

The Moon

Silken silvery light
Covering and caressing me
Gentle and soft and delicate
Like a lover's caress
Glittering in the heavens
Shining just for me
Wrapped in an ethereal embrace
Starlight, moonlight and dreams

The Sun

I feel it on my face
And down to my very bones
A tingle from deep inside
White-light and golden-hued
Warm, inviting embrace
The heat of a lover's kiss
Sunlight, daylight and you


In Dreams

In the middle of the night
While you were deep in dreams
I crept in to your room
And watched you fast asleep
I stood by your bed
And trailed my fingers down your arm
I leaned down to you
And my hair brushed your face
I whispered in your ear
And put a smile on your face
I crawled in beside you
And curled up nice and close
You put your arm around me
With a heartfelt sigh
And pulled me closer still
I brushed your lips with mine
And willed you to awake
But you were fast in dreams
And didn't even blink
And as morning came so quickly
I knew my time was up
I slipped from your grasp
And longed for your touch
I memorized your face
And faded with the night
And wondered if the day would come
When you'd hold me so tight
That morning could not chase me
From your side again
And you'd wake to find
The dream within your hands


Your Essence

It whispered on the wind
And danced through the trees
It rode the crest of a wave
and touched the bottom of the sea
It scattered the clouds
And sent the rain pouring down
It let the sunshine in
And sprinkled starlight dreams
It caressed my spirit
And captured the heart of me
It was your very essence
And the love it brought from me


Know You So Well

As I look into your eyes
What sweet thoughts are there expressed
In starlight, in daylight,
In moonlight, in dreams
Will I ever know you so well
That a glance at you will say
I'm troubled will you comfort me
I'm sad will you shelter me
I'm lonely will you talk with me
I'm happy will you share with me
I'm excited will you play with me
And will I ever know you so well
That I know the way to comfort you
That I can show you the shelter of my soul
That I find the words to entertain you
That I embrace your happiness with my own
That I know just how to play
So excitement only grows
I look into your eyes
And see a thousand things
Will I ever know you so well
And will you ever know me


The Rocks

Why are the scars on my heart
So easy to see and feel
Will my heart always hesitate
And say this looks like such familiar ground
It was on rocks such as these
That I was torn apart
Maybe I should stop right here
And not take another step
What if I slip, what if I fall
What if a wave catches me unaware once more
Sure the view ahead looks magical
The sand looks soft and warm
So it was another beach
And it was another shore
I remember all too well
How it felt to lay in ruins
And watch the dream wash away
So here I stand amid the rocks
Seeing how far I have to go
And my heart keeps looking to the ocean
And aches with remembered pain
Some beaches I don't care to see
But some call so enticingly to me
Some paths are short, some are long
Some oceans rough and others calm
But this one seems so much the one
To keep me and shelter me for years to come
Each step I take is careful
The past is haunting me
My eye turns to the horizon looking for the storm
That will send the waves
To dash my dreams upon the rocks once more
Why can't I just walk blindly
Sure of my own feet
And that the gentle sea I see
Is all there'll ever be
And if fear paralyzes me amid these rocks
So far from the sandy shore
Will you come to rescue me
And lead me safe from harm
Or am I stuck with only demons
And dreams of what might be
If only my heart could let go
And stop searching for the storm
Will I ever reach the sand
Will I ever trust the sea
When the only path is through the rocks
And my past is haunting me


Moonlight Magic

I look up at the moon
This big, bright silvery orb
It was always magical
This amazing, celestial body
The essence of my soul
Everything spiritual in me
I had no scriptures to guide me
When I was young
No sermons or Sunday school
Just moonlight and magic
Standing there under starlight
Staring into the vast beyond
Feeling the power of faith
Moonlight magic filling me
Comforting me, caressing me
Could you even guess
When I wished upon the moon
How deep and strong and true
That dream was to me
And if the moon was magical
All those years ago
It is even moreso now
I look up at the moon
And all it's silvery light
And I send my thoughts and dreams
Around the world to you
And that so young girl
Who believed in magic things
Still lives on inside
And believes they rain on you
In shimmering moonlight
Angels, or God, or fairy dust
I send them round to you
To deliver my heart
On silvery wings
And give you all my love


Special Delivery

I wish I could find a way
To send myself to you
Pack it all up - good and bad
And deliver it to you
Just to gaze into your eyes
Outside of a photograph
To feel your fingertips upon my skin
And your lips upon my own
To feel your breath
As you whisper softly
The words I long to hear
How you are so glad you found me
And you'll never let me go
I want to send myself to you
Special delivery - all wrapped up
I cannot know how you'd receive it
Or if it's what you've wanted
I only know each day it's harder
Spending time away from you
And settling for a word or two
And never knowing what
Goes through that mind of yours
I wish I had a way to send
More than words to you
So I could gaze in to your eyes
And see the way you look at me
So I could touch you softly
And feel the way you respond to me
So I could know at last
Just how true your feelings are
And if you want me half as much
As I so want only you
I wish there was a way
To send myself to you


With Words

With words you can charm me
Entice, enthrall, seduce me
In poetry and rhyme
Or whispered soft into my ear
A turn of phrase
A thought, a sound
Each one step closer
To my heart, my soul, my love
With words you can disarm me
Delight, enchant, embrace me
In song and rhythm
Or written sweetly in a card
A turn of phrase
A metaphor, an image
Each bringing you nearer
To my life, my spirit, my body
With words you can capture me
Free me, keep me, love me
In thought and deed
Or deep inside a dream
A turn of phrase
A window, a door
Each letting me inside
To know you, feel you, love you



Can you feel the sunlight
Can you feel the moonlight
Can you feel my hands on your face
Can you feel my joy
Can you feel my sorrow
Can you feel my kiss upon your lips

Do you hear the wind
Do you hear the stillness
Do you hear my voice
Do you hear my laughter
Do you hear my tears
Do you hear me whisper

Can you see the sun
Can you see the moon
Can you see my eyes
Can you see my smiles
Can you see my tears
Can you see my blush

Can you feel the sunlight
Can you feel the moonlight
Can you feel my love
Can you feel my thoughts
Can you feel my dreams
Can you feel my desire

Do I fill your senses



Can any life have clarity
Can you know in a moment
Just where you should be
Everything else fades away
And you are left with one
One path, one truth, one heart
Can you know it so clearly
There isn't a doubt left
And if you have that moment
And you find that inner light
Can you hold it safe inside
When night comes again
When doubts creep in
And the path seems faded
Can you still find your feet
And continue on ahead
Sure of your destination
Like a map inside your head
Would you believe me
If I told you what I saw
I closed my eyes today
Let all the worries drop away
Not knowing what I'd find
Or if anything would be left
And in that perfect moment
Was a clarity of sorts
A light inside my soul
A sight within my heart
When all else faded away
The only thing I saw
Was you


Boils Down to You

It all boils down to you
All the dreams I've ever dreamed
All the hopes renewed
Every word I can say to explain
The things I want in life
Are the very things I say
To describe your shining light
It seems so strange to recognize
When I look into your eyes
All my dreams come true
And it seems so sad to realize
All the wanting in the world
Can't make them more than dreams
But no matter how it seems
It all boils down to you
Every dream I've ever dreamed
Every hope within my chest
I know resides in you
Wouldn't it be the saddest thing
If I ever walked away
And let my dreams fly to the wind
Without ever trying to hold them
To never know what might have been
If I'd only tried
So ask me once more what I want
It all boils down to you
The only dream I dare to dream
The only hope I won't let go
Just ask me and I'll say
It all boils down to you


Feel You

I wonder if I'll feel you
When I close my eyes tonight
Will I feel your soft touch
Your breath upon my neck
Will I turn towards you and sigh
So deep in dreams at last
That I actually reach for you
Will I feel your warmth
Near me, with me, in me
I wonder if I'll feel you
When I sleep tonight
Will my heart beat quicken
At that phantom touch
Will I try to pull you closer
So sure you are really here
And if I feel you with me
And wake aching for your weight
Was it all just a dream
Or were you really here
I wonder if I'll feel you
I'll just close my eyes and wait


If You Knew

If you knew how much my heart was hurting
Would you come to play with me
Would you brush the tears so softly
And place a kiss upon my still damp cheeks
Would you drag me out into the sunshine
And tease a smile from me
Would you find the ways to make me laugh
And wrap me up in your warm embrace
Would you disarm me with your words
And let me come play with you
If you knew how much I needed you
Would you come running to me
Would you whisper words of comfort
And help me find my smile
Would you help me hear the music playing
And dance with me a while
Would you open your arms up wide
And let me come running to you
If you knew what I was thinking
Would you still play with me
Would you drag me from these sheltered walls
And make me step outside
Would you make me leave my cares behind
And narrow my world down to you
Would you kiss me so tenderly
And ask me to play with you
If you knew


Under the Stars

Under the stars I stand
Wanting to be with you
To feel your warmth
Your arms around me
Your breath on my neck
To feel your heartbeat
So close to mine
I smile at the thought
I reach out across the miles
Hoping you feel my love
Hoping you look up
And know I am there
Know you own my heart
It is written in the stars
The depth and breadth
And height of what I feel
It is beyond distance or time
And each night I will smile
As I imagine you near
Knowing one day
We will be together
And under the stars we'll stand
And kiss tenderly
And hold each other close
Knowing it was meant to be


Just Know

In the deepest darkest days
When it seems there is no light
Just know somewhere out there
The sun is shining bright
When you're laying all alone
And aching for the touch
Of a warm and tender hand
And dreams just aren't enough
Just know it won't be long
Before I find my way to you
And if you can hold on longer
Your dreams just might come true
In the deepest darkest days
When there is no end in sight
Just know the dawn is coming soon
And it won't always be the night
When the days are long and endless
And you dread the coming dawn
Thinking dreams are all you have
And that I'm surely gone
Just know that I am waiting
In some far distant land
And wherever you may be just now
My heart is always in your hands


Winds of Change

I let the winds of change
Carry you away from me
And I wonder when you'll return
And just what you might say
Will you long for that place
You hold forever in my heart
Or will you just be passing by again
And stop to briefly say hello
I let the fates determine our path
To take you places far from me
And show you the lessons
You surely need to know
But I wonder if our paths will meet
And if we'll wander on together
Or if they'll only intersect
A time or two along the way
A memory of things that used to be
And of lives we led along the way
I wonder if you think of me
With intense passion and desire
Or if it's just a tickle of remembrance
That catches you from time to time
I do not know the strength of
What you do or do not feel
I do not know the place I hold
In your heart or in your dreams
Do you ache to your very limit
To feel your skin against my own
Do you long for that moment
When our paths will meet again
Or is it with fondness and fantasy
Easily pushed aside and forgotten
I let the winds of the world
Carry you far away from me
And I think of you each and every moment
I long for you more each passing day
And I wonder when the winds will carry you
Back this way once again
And if you'll feel that you are home again
And your heart at last at peace
Or if you'll just be biding your time
Until the winds call once more for you
And if you'll kiss me softly
And bid me once more adieu


I Ache

I ache for you
I ache to feel your love surround me
I ache for the things I didn't get to say
I don't like to think
That you might believe
I would ever not love you
I want to wrap my arms around you
And assure you of my heart
And forever
I ache to hear you
I ache for what might never be
I ache for the things you don't know
I don't want to think
That you might lose hope
And doubt the depth of my heart
I want to kiss you so very sweetly
And whisper in your ear
And trust this
I ache for me
I ache for the things you never said
I ache for the things I do not know
I can't bear to think
That you might misunderstand
And think I closed the door
I want to hold you so very close to me
And look into your eyes
My love



I held my breath
And with trembling hand
Measured out my reply
So afraid my words
Might break the spell
And chase you away again
Aching just to touch you
But so hesitant
Lest it prove an illusion
To disappear before my eyes
Not knowing if you want to hear
The way I feel for you
Not knowing if you long to feel
My soft and tender kiss
So I closed my eyes
And imagined one more time
I'd wrapped my arms around you
And held you so close to me
Chasing away all your doubts
Dispelling all your fears
And proving to us both
That in my arms
And in my heart
You are always home


Delicate Dreams

Delicate dreams
In fine silver strands
Trace across a moonlit sky
The faintest hope
Shimmering softly
Sprinkles down like faerie dust
I sigh and turn
And the gossamer threads
Shatter into a billion pieces
And I weep
The sunlight catches them
And they sparkle and wink
Melting and mixing
With my tears
And I sit in awe
As night falls
And silvery streams
Reach into the sky
And swirl and turn
And delicate dreams
Are formed again


Life Carried You Away

Life carried you away
And I could not hold you
All the tears I could shed
And all the words I could say
Could not change that
I wonder where it took you
And if you enjoyed the ride
All the what ifs I ask myself
And all the might have beens
Won't bring you back to my side
Life carried you away
And nothing's been the same



You haven't answered the questions
That I have failed to ask
The fears I hide deep inside
So why should it hurt me then
When you remain so silent
Do I think you should know
Just exactly what to say
And just exactly when
When I have never told you
The secrets in my heart
The doubts that plague me
You haven't eased the pain
That I have never shared
So why should it cut me so deep
When you turn your head away
Do I think you should see
The tears I haven't shed
And sorrow I never show
When I keep myself locked away
And never share my soul



Laura Lowe
Date Last Modified: 3/13/03
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