
Poetry and Dreams
First Love
Moon Dreams

Oh the possibilities~

It's such a big world. Who's to say what just might be. Even when things are dark and gray, there's still the promise of clear skies. And sometimes my heart beat quickens and some perfect stranger captures my attention. What if.

A Heart Like Mine


Dream You Here

Time and Again

Blessing Or Curse

Your Touch

Starry Skies

Lives We've Lived



Knight of My Heart

You Touch Me

My Smile

Never Let You Go

A Gift

Faded Dream

Dance in the Rain

Tiny Touches

I Close My Eyes

What If

Too Shy

How Do I

Edge of Heartbreak

Never Know You

A Heart Like Mine

If I could find a heart like mine
A soul that calls to me softly
Inspiring dreams of things to be
Bringing peace, joy, serenity
Would I treasure it completely
Would I never walk away
If I could find a heart so true
A soul that's in tune with mine
Filling all the empty places
Bringing love, light, happiness
Would I see it as a gift
Would I unconditionally accept
If I could find a heart to keep
A soul that longs to be mine
Delighted by my enigmatic ways
Bringing trust, faith, understanding
Would I capture it completely
Would I finally believe


Dream You Here

I close my eyes
And dream you here
I feel your hands on me
Fingers tracing my face
My eyes, my cheeks, my lips
Trailing down my neck
Sliding over my breast
Marveling at my body's response
So quick and so sure
And I feel your breath
As your lips follow
The very same path
I feel you
Just as surely as if
You were really here
Not just a dream
But when I reach for you
To pull you closer
To slide my fingers
Through your hair
I wake alone
So I close my eyes again
Can I taste your fingers
As they caress my lips
Can I entice a kiss from you
Feel your body pressed
So close to mine
Illicit a response in kind
To the desire welling in me
To lose myself in your kiss
Forget all reason and rhyme
Passions ignite and swell
What dreams my sweet
At your expense
And if desire and thought
Could bring you here
Before me now
How pale would dreams seem
At the feel of you


Blessing or Curse

I dream of you
And I wonder
Is this something good
Sweetness and light
Blessing or curse
Am I savoring a memory
Or sustaining a dream
And I wonder
What is the substance of us
Were we ever real
Or have dreams overshadowed
Clouding my mind
Strengthening my ache
Crying foul, no fair
You should have been mine
I dream of you
And I wonder
Is this something bad
Self-pity and heartbreak
Blessing or curse
Am I not letting go
Have I failed to move on
Because I still dream
Can I love you each night
Hold you close in spirit
And I wonder
Blessing or curse
And do I even care


Starry Skies

I look up into the night
At the stars looking back
And I picture you there
So far away from me
And I wonder if you think of me
And I wonder what you dream
I want to will you here
Lying on this blanket next to me
Finger trailing across my cheek
Down my neck
Across my breast
Feel your breath tickle my ear
As you whisper softly
How much you love me
That there is no other place
In all the wide world
You'd rather be
Than lying right there
Loving me
Under the starry sky
I want to feel your kiss
Tease my ear, my neck, my jaw
Coming to rest on my mouth
Run my fingers through your hair
As I hold you close to me
Excite you , thrill you, tease you
Until you rest your weight on me
And I feel your heart beat
Wild and fast and true
And feel your body press
So intimately to my own
Knees raised to cradle you closer
Aching for completion
But savoring each sensation
I stare at the starry sky
And wish I could see your face
Hovering above mine
Staring deep into my eyes
Body arching in response
To the feel of your desire
Hands sliding down your back
To press you closer still
Hear your groan of delight
As sensation drives you wild
I wish desire could be enough
To bring you here to me
To ease this ache I feel inside
That you alone brought to me
I look up at the glittering sky
Stars shining down on me
And wonder if you're looking up
And dreaming of me
Willing me there with you
To ease that sweet ache
I hope I have brought to you



I give you my hand
And let you pull me close
There we stand - body to body
I feel your heart beat
Beneath my hand on your chest
And I wonder that I can stand
Or breathe or think or speak
I wonder how your lips might feel
Or how your mouth might taste
And if I wasn't in awe enough
You capture my heart
With the sweet things you say
Did my heart just skip a beat
And what could I possibly say
To charm your senses
And steal your heart away
And could I convince you
In a roundabout way
To press those lips to mine
And set fire to my soul
And would you feel the same
I can only dream it could be true


Knight of My Heart

Oh Knight of my heart
Slayer of sorrows
Would that I could be
Your damsel in distress
So that you might rescue me
But in truth I guess
This damsel's deepest desire
Is to enchant you fully
I want to dance in your dreams
For more than rescuing
I need a knight's passion
Sweet and lovely I ever am
But too often untouched
unwooed, unpursued
What words would entice you
What visions enthrall you
Might ever this maiden
Win a knight's heart


My Smile

Don't you know I smile for you
My face lights up
My eyes sparkle and shine
My heart beat races
I hold my breath
I cannot contain the joy inside
I wish you could see me smile
Or that I could wrap it up
And send it off to you
You saw me in the shadows
And drew me into the sun
I feel it in my heart
And shining on my face
And smiles long buried
And joy contained
Have freed themselves
And so I smile for you
Just knowing you're near
At the thought of you
Can you hear it in my words
Don't you know it's true
Sweet one, I smile for you


A Gift

Tears, streaming down my face
I wish you could crawl in my heart
And feel what I feel
What a blessing, what a gift
The things you gave to me
Your sweet, endearing words
Your soft, seductive kiss
However fleeting or superficial
It was everything to me
Never have I felt such kindness
Or heard such words before
And your kisses, divine
Struck me to my very soul
And I cannot stop the tears
I ache to have something
So fine and true each day
To be loved so openly
Deeply, richly, passionately
For more than just one day
It was a precious gift you gave me
Though it ended with the setting sun
My tears now fall so bittersweet
Such happiness you gave to me
And such an ache for dreams
That words were just the barest tip
Of what you feel for me
And kisses soft and delicate
Were garnered with restraint
And fuel to you for endless dreams
It was a wondrous thing
To feel so loved for just a day
Is it so odd then I should cry
Now that day is done
Or find I've lost my heart
On a fleeting word from you


Dance in the Rain

As the rain came falling down
I closed my eyes and listened
It seemed a music from the heavens
And touched something inside of me
I wanted to give in to impulse
Let go of convention and reason
And dance under the rain
I let umbrella fall to pavement
Turned my face up to the sky
And let the music take me places
Sweet nature alone can make
Drops beaded on my hair and face
And spotted my cotton dress
Still I twirled and twisted round
For once not caring I was wet
And as the music carried me
Drops turned into heavenly tears
Running down my face and neck
Soaking into my once dry hair
Spots connect and join until
My dress is soaked right through
Becoming a second skin, translucent
No longer twirling about my knees
But clinging to every curve
Still I sway and move and turn
Dancing to music in my heart
Caressed and touched by the heavens
My movements slow as the rain increases
Water sliding between my breasts
My hair sending a shower of droplets
Each time I spin around
I wonder how long the music will last
Will I hear it every time
The rain begins to fall
Or was this a special dance
Between the heavens and me
And as the rain at last subsides
My movements slow to a stop
I retrieve my umbrella and close it up
And turn my face again to the sky
A fine mist covers me
And water still slides over me
Between my breasts
Across my belly
And down my thighs
A sweet, seductive lover's caress
Come dance with me again
Just listen and you'll hear me
And then the sun breaks through
To warm and dry and love me too


I Close My Eyes

I close my eyes at the sight of you
Sometimes you please me too much
I don't want you to plainly see
The power you have over me
Though I know you often suspect
And I wonder should I believe your words
Do you know the effect they have on me
You are playful and yet so sincere
And what starts out play for me
So quickly turns to something real
And I want to ask "Are you serious?"
But I'm afraid of your response
Afraid to dampen your high spirits
With reminders of our present lives
And perhaps even more than that
Afraid you'll pull me closer to you
And swear it from your heart
An answer to every prayer
I've ever whispered to the stars above
Knowing you'd only break my heart
With a promise you can't keep
So I close my eyes at the sight of you
And take a deep and steady breath
Ready to play a game of words
And let you steal my heart again
And wondering all the while
If you're just waiting for me to ask


Too Shy

I wonder if I am too shy
I cannot be as suggestive
As those more experienced girls
Who attract men like flies
I feel too strongly to be so free
But I look at you with big, wide eyes
That want you to read my soul
And see how much I ache
For you to press your lips to mine
To explore this amazing chemistry
That I feel when I'm with you
To slide the remaining inches
That separate your body from mine
And free me from this spell
You talk of mundane things
And in truth I'm listening
And answering in kind
But all the while I'm wondering
If you want to take this further
If my face is betraying every thought
I wonder how you'd react
Were I to move instead
And place my hand upon your thigh
Or trace the curve of your ear
Would that garner a response from you
And would it be in line
With all the thoughts within my mind
I seem paralyzed with inaction
And I wonder if I'm just too shy


Edge of Heartbreak

I poise on the edge of heartbreak
Not knowing which way I'll fall
Should fate eventually push me
Down that all familiar path
I know in time I would resurrect
My broken heart and battered ego
And dare to walk the line again
But should fate shove the other way
Would I know what to do
Now standing on such foreign ground
Would I weep such tears of joy
Or laugh and flaunt it to the sky
That when it came down to the wire
You were beside me all the way



I dream of your kiss
Soft and gently seeking
Brushing caress
And subtle pressure
Moist little nibbles
Begging entry
And on a sigh
And a fine little tremble
I welcome you
Tender touches
Igniting fires
Banked with moisture
Sliding further
Lingering longer
An intimate dance
A prelude of sorts
Teasing kisses
To catch your breath
Lost and liquid
Sensitive spots
Ear to shoulder
Desire pooling
Passion swelling
You slide once more
Into my mouth
Warm welcoming depths
Exploring touches
Barriers breached
Sounds swallowed
In increasing fervor
Trembling limbs
Aching bodies
Pause a moment
A breath apart
Kiss suspended
Balancing on the edge
Tame the kiss?
Or set it free
To follow feeling
Slide deep inside
Warm wet depths
Ride waves of sensation
Until a crest is reached
And kisses slow
And linger tenderly
Until the trembling
Has ceased
On a sigh
And whispered words
Of I love you


Time and Again

Was it fate that brought you to my door
Have I known you so many times before
Did my heart cry out for you across the miles
Across time and space and destiny
To bring you right here in front of me
And make me feel a puzzle piece set in place
One more connection, one more link
To make the big picture so much more clear
Was it chance and good fortune alone
Or did we make a choice to have it so
Did forces above and beyond set it in stone
That you would come along just now
And reach right down into the heart of me
And call that sleeping spirit to wake at last
And see the truth for what it has always been
That I have known you time and time again
And there is more to us than what we seem
And more to this than what we can ever know
Did you seek me out in subtle, simple ways
Knowing I was waiting for your guiding light
Or did you only travel blindly forward
Not knowing you were missing my spirit
Until I opened the door and welcomed you home
Do I fill some spot in your life just as well
To make you believe you and I were meant to be
Have been before and will be again and again
So many souls and you managed to find mine
So many souls and I managed to find yours
To amazing to be just coincidence alone
To necessary to believe it was simply chance
Our crossing paths had to be in the stars


Your Touch

I feel your touch upon me
So soft and so sincere
And I feel your breath so gentle
As you whisper into my ear
Your fingers glide so smoothly
Upon my silken skin
Lingering over fluttering pulse points
And sliding through my hair
I wonder at your steady touch
Not a tremble or a tremor
A sign of your complete control
Or freedom from endless desire
I arch my back without thinking
And my pulse begins to quicken
As fingers trace every inch of me
And words whisper in my ear
I hesitate to say 'please touch me there'
For fear that you just might
And put at last to rest any doubts
Of the power you have over me
You slide and tease and torment me
And I want you more and more
And when your fingers at last
Find that final unexplored spot
Your tender moan within my ear
And final shattering of control
Incite a moan at last from me
To know the power I have over you


Lives We've Lived

I wonder what lives we lived
And the times we surely shared
You are so deep inside of me
One life could scarce explain
The things I know I feel for you
And I wonder do you feel the same
The connection beyond this moment
The deep abiding love and trust
Makes me wonder what came before
There is so much more to us



When I am tired
And ready for bed
And reality is too much
And I haven't the energy
To speak with you
You spin a tale
You take me away
And against my will
I follow you
And shed my cares
Smiling at your words
Laughing at your humor
And falling in love
All over again
Just when I think
I can't bear to endure
Another conversation
I haven't the energy
Or the heart
You spin me a tale
Sneak in under my defenses
Ease my tension
Carry me away
And I remember
All the reasons
I'll always love you


You Touch Me

You touch me
And I forget everything
But the feel of your fingers
On my skin
Tracing every curve
Exploring every inch
And the feel of your mouth
Tasting me
Tongue sliding against mine
Driving me wild
Only to travel
Seeking out pulse points
And hot spots
Spurred onward
By my response
You touch me
And I lose all thought
And I can only feel
Your skin against mine
Your breath in my ear
Your sounds of longing
Driving me higher
Only to intensify
As you fill me
Pressing deeper still
Spurred onward
By my response
You touch me
And I explode for you


Never Let You Go

I want to pull you close
And hold tight to you
Wrap myself around you
And never let you go
Feel your breath
Upon my chest
And your arms holding me
So very close to you
I want to lose myself in you
And forget the world exists
Trap time in this instant
And keep you here with me
Bodies pressed so close together
We might as well be one
I want to hold you tighter still
Feel you surrounding me
Feel your lips
Upon my skin
And your hands caressing me
Laying claim to every inch
Losing yourself inside of me
And never letting me go


Faded Dream

What faded dream
In silence lays
Only to wake
At your touch
Is it the thought
Of you and me
That I had pushed aside
Or further still
Is it the dream
I never could let go
The one I carried
When it seemed
There was no hope
That I thought
Long dead and buried
After all these years
Finally let go
In favor of friendship
Is it possible
That faded dream
Refused to go
Just waiting
For your kiss
To awaken it


Tiny Touches

There it is
The whisper soft touch
Of your hand
Brushing against mine
Invisible to others
But impossible to ignore
For me
Tiny touches
On the surface
Yet I live for them
Your hand
At the small of my back
As I pass
An innocent gesture
Soft and simple
Fuel for dreams


What If

I wonder what you would do
If I touched your face
Memorized every inch
With my fingertips
I wonder what you would do
If I brushed my lips against yours
Lost myself in the sensation
Of taste and touch
Would you let me explore
Sighing so softly
When senses overload
Would you respond in kind
Touching me so gently
Kissing me so sweetly
I wonder what you would do
If I wrapped my arms around you
I wonder what you would do
If I didn't let go
Would you surrender completely
Would you let me love you


How Do I

How do I find the words
To say what's in my heart
Without saying too much
Or not saying enough
Are there words that can describe
The possibilities I see
And the way that frightens me
Can I say the right thing
To show that I'm interested
Without sending you away
Should you feel differently
Do I have the eloquence
To say in pretty words
All the things I see in you
Or am I just a jumble of thoughts
Without the proper outlet
How do I share what I feel
Without chasing you away
How do I let you know
What's in my heart
Without knowing what's in yours


Never Know You

I ache to reach and touch you
It fills my every thought
What bittersweet irony
That I will never know you
Not the feel of your skin against mine
The taste of your kiss
The depth of your soul
Or the far reaches of your mind
Yet still I long for it
Still I hope for it
Life has yet to steal my dreams
No matter how it tries...



Laura Lowe
Date Last Modified: 3/13/03
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